Sabtu, 09 Desember 2017

Download Master & Apprentice (Star Wars), by Claudia Gray

Download Master & Apprentice (Star Wars), by Claudia Gray

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Master & Apprentice (Star Wars), by Claudia Gray

Master & Apprentice (Star Wars), by Claudia Gray

Master & Apprentice (Star Wars), by Claudia Gray

Download Master & Apprentice (Star Wars), by Claudia Gray

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Master & Apprentice (Star Wars), by Claudia Gray


“Gray's other Star Wars novels—Lost Stars, Bloodline and Leia: Princess of Alderaan—are among the best you can read, but Master & Apprentice stands out as her strongest.”—CNET   “Thankfully, the novel absolutely delivers on the goods and the wait has been worth it.”—Cinelinx   “Master & Apprentice proves—again—that Claudia Gray ‘gets’ Star Wars.”—Dork Side of the Force   “Gray has not only written her finest novel to date in my opinion, but certainly one of the finest canon novels as well, maybe the finest.”—TheForce.Net

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Claudia Gray is the author of Star Wars: Bloodline; Star Wars: Leia, Princess of Alderaan; and Star Wars: Lost Stars. Her other books include Defy the Stars and the Evernight, Spellcaster, and Firebrand series. She has worked as a lawyer, a journalist, a disc jockey, and a particularly ineffective waitress. Her lifelong interests include old houses, classic movies, vintage style, and history. She lives in New Orleans.

Alle Produktbeschreibungen


Taschenbuch: 480 Seiten

Verlag: Del Rey (24. September 2019)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 059315679X

ISBN-13: 978-0593156797

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

10,6 x 2,5 x 17,5 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.0 von 5 Sternen

2 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 21.193 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Hab die englische Ausgabe in der Kindle App gelesen und wurde gut unterhalten. Das Buch dreht sich hauptsächlich um die Jedi Prophezeiungen was ich persönlich als eher langweilig empfinde. Nichts desto trotz sind die Hintergrundgeschichten von Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon und Dooku ziemlich interessant und relevant fürs restliche Star Wars Universum.

if you're a Star Wars fan, if you're an Obi-Wan, if you're a fan of the prequels, I don't care, make yourself comfortable and enjoy a healthy dose of Jedi, a master-padawan adventure on a remote world and rebellions and spies.Although the beginning was a bit slow, the story was entertaining enough for me to keep reading. I liked the introduction of new and fun side characters whose story makes for a second narrative arc throughout the book. The first third, though intriguing because we get to explore Qui-Gon's and Obi-Wan's relationship on a deeper level, was a bit slow in my opinion but the story picks up pace afterwards and "that" plot twist at the end!The most beautiful and poignant thing about "Master and Apprantice" was getting to know more about Obi-Wan and his feelings, why Qui-Gon is so passionate about abolishing slavery and why Obi-Wan goes from loving to fly to hating it.This book provides its readers with so many insights into Qui-Gon's and Obi-Wan's life, relationship and emotions and it was simply beautiful.

I started to tear up reading the quote from Qui-Gon on the back. Star Wars has always done this to me, but there's something magical here. It has been 20 years since Phantom Menace. That was the first SW movie I saw in theaters that wasn't the special editions of the original trilogy. I'm a child of the prequels and Clone Wars. There is no doubt you'll enjoy this if you are too! Everyone should enjoy this Master/apprentice dynamic that we simply didn't get enough of in the movie. I was beyond thrilled every second I was reading this mostly because it was from a mostly untouched time set before Phantom Menace.

As someone who gobbled up all the old Star Wars books that have now passed into Legend... it seems to me that there has never been a better time to travel to the Galaxy far, far away.I read this book in two days, a new record for me.Gray, somehow, just seems to get Star Wars... at least what is most important to me about Star Wars... which is heart, specifically the mystery of the heart and of the universe.The characters are great, the situations on the large scale and small scale are all understandable and believable, the psychologies and philosophies are likewise well written and have weight. No straw men here.Please please please Claudia... you GET the turmoil and difficulties of striving to do the right thing along with the dangers of attempting to grasp at control to make sure it’s done. The humility that you write into the character of Qui-Gon, seems simply the way George Lucas envisioned him to be.... and gave me something I never knew I wanted... to know Qui-Gon MORE.Please please please... if at all possible... write more books about the Jedi...I believe that the Force wills it. ☺️

Claudia Gray’s “Master and Apprentice” begins with the troubled apprenticeship between Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan struggles to adapt to Qui-Gon’s unique interpretation of Jedi rules and his unorthodox approach to problems. Qui-Gon can see the bright future his apprentice will have, but doesn’t feel that he’s the best teacher. When the Jedi Council offers Qui-Gon a position on the council, the possibility that Qui-Gon will transfer Obi-Wan to another master for training so he may accept the offer further strains their partnership. Before Qui-Gon can make a decision, however, the two must travel to Pijal, where the reclusive government is about to undergo sweeping changes as the Czerka Corporation opens a hyperspace corridor nearby. Since the princess is only 14, the Jedi Rael Averross has been acting as the regent due to his neutrality for the last eight years following the tragic death of his padawan. Recent terrorist attacks threaten the forthcoming change from an absolute to constitutional monarchy as well as the construction of infrastructure for the hyperspace corridor, so the Pijali government requests an investigation by the Jedi. Averross apprenticed with Count Dooku prior to Qui-Gon and personally vouches for him to lead the investigation.In exploring Qui-Gon’s unorthodox methods, Gray focuses on his fascination with Jedi prophecy. The discovery of a fool’s gold type of kyber crystal evokes one of these prophecies: “When the kyber that is not kyber shines forth, the time of prophecy will be at hand” (pg. 117). Other prophecies run through the novel, such as “she who was born to darkness will give birth to darkness” (pg. 229), possibly a reference to Leia and Ben Solo, as well as “he who learns to conquer death will through his greatest student live again” (pg. 288), which may refer to Emperor Palpatine’s forthcoming return in “Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker.” Quoting one of Qui-Gon’s aphorisms, Obi-Wan says, “People are more than their worst act” (pg. 116), contributing to the belief in redemption that runs as a throughline in the “Star Wars” saga. The story further helps to explore themes from “The Phantom Menace” as the Czerka Corporation relies on slave labor, somehow skirting the laws of the Republic and establishing Qui-Gon’s feeling that the Jedi Council, in obeying its mandate of nonintervention, has allowed evil to flourish at the margins of society (pg. 212). Qui-Gon enlists the help of Rahara Wick, a formerly enslaved person turned jewel smuggler, to help him search for the Pijali Opposition unnoticed. Both Rahara’s experience and Czerka’s attempts to codify slavery as a punishment for most crimes on Pijal (pg. 188) help to show the corruption and moral lapses in the twilight of the Republic.Previous authors have examined Obi-Wan Kenobi’s apprenticeship with Qui-Gon Jinn, in particular Dave Wolverton and Jude Watson in the “Jedi Apprentice” series, though this is the first novel in the new “Star Wars” canon to examine the period prior to “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.” In helping to link the prequel-era stories together, Gray not only includes the references to kyber crystals and Jedi prophecy, she also includes flashbacks to Qui-Gon’s apprenticeship with Dooku and shows Obi-Wan learning to ride a veractyl, one of the creatures he rode in “Revenge of the Sith” (pg. 151), and reflecting on the Guardians of the Whills in a reference to “Rogue One” (pg. 243). The idea of a Jedi acting as planetary regent as well as the characterization of Averross recalls some of the best elements of the 1990s Bantam “Star Wars” novels, like Corran Horn. Gray previous wrote three of the best character studies in the new “Star Wars” canon – “Lost Stars,” “Bloodline,” and “Leia: Princess of Alderaan” – and this is more of the style fans expect of her. A great addition to the new “Star Wars” canon.

Master and Apprentice is the latest in a line of good Star Wars books by Claudia Gray. Readers familiar with her work will easily recognize her voice. This book isn’t just about Qui-gin and Obi-Wan. It is about many masters and apprentices.This novel features a world new to Star Wars that is on the verge or crowning a new queen, signing a treaty, and opening a hyperspace lane that will unite it with the rest of the galaxy. However, a greedy corporation influences everything and an opposition movement appears to have adopted terrorist tactics. That is when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are sent by the Jedi to intervene.The two Jedi don’t get along all that well. They have different ideals and don’t understand each other. Each wants more from the other and more from themselves. Master and Apprentice explores their evolving relationship as they navigate success and setbacks.Star Wars fans should enjoy this book. There are plenty of new and recognizable characters to keep it interesting. There are elements that seem to spring directly from The Phantom Menace (taxation, ineffective galactic politics, corporations, etc.), but new elements and twists that keep it fresh. There is plenty of action from the Jedi to go around as well.

I've been very much looking forward to this, having greatly enjoyed the author's previous Star Wars offerings. That having been said, this is arguably her best work in the Star Wars universe thus far. Most impressive to me is how she perfectly captures Qui-Gon and Obi-wan's (and Dooku in his brief appearances) manner of speaking and even mannerisms. It is clear that she has spent a great deal of time researching this material. This book is by no means, however, a return to the prequel era simply for the sake of doing so. It greatly expands one's understanding of Qui-Gon and Obi-wan's relationship and greatly expands our knowledge of the Jedi prophecies, in addition to delivering an engrossing and enjoyable story. Master & Apprentice is simply a delight to read.

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Master & Apprentice (Star Wars), by Claudia Gray PDF
Master & Apprentice (Star Wars), by Claudia Gray PDF

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